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Frogsong is located in Nelson County Virginia.. Just outside the quaint but ever hip & healthy town of Nellysford. The exact address is 206 Old Turtle Place, Nellysford, VA 22958


The phone number at the house is 434-361-2565. All visitors are welcome to use for both local & long distance(no International) at no additional charge.


We are approximately 45 miles Southwest of Charlottesville, VA which is about a two hour drive from Silver Spring, Md. It is generally a three & half hour trip from the Washington DC area. There is a airport located in Charlottesville as well as rail & bus service to Charlottesville.


General Directions are from the DC Metro area. Take Rt 66 West just beyond Manassas Va, Take the exit RT to Gainesville/Warrenton Route 29South. You will take 29 for 1.5 hours to Charlottesville. Just before Charlottesville, you will take a right at the 250 bypass(right after the Best Buy store) Follow 250/29South for just three exits to the Charlottesville/Ivy Route 250 exit, take 250West for approximately 40 miles, past Crozet Va, heading towards Wintergreen Resort. After approximately forty minutes you will come to Route 151, take that to the left towards Wintergreen. Follow 151 South for about 20 miles until you come to the town of Nellysford. This is a small town. You will proceed through the town until you have passed the Blue ridge Pig on the left(a wonderful bar b q spot), the last commercial property will be a gas station on the right. About two blocks from there, you will be looking for Horizon Village Rd. It will be on the right. It is a brown regular street sign. There are a number of mailboxes at that turn & it is a gravel rd. Follow Horizon Village Rd for a little less than a mile into the woods. Just keep bearing to the left. Follow it to the end which will be Old Turtle Place. Take a left & follow the road down to the end. You will be at a Cull de Sac & Frogsong/Jesseville will be waiting for you to the right through the prayer flags, past the black Frog lagoon, through the winding Forest rd up to your smiling new abode!


Go immediately inside, through the open center space, right out the backdoors, to the deck & soak in the sound of that rushing river & Ahhh...  RELAX!

Direction to FrogSong

More about Nellysford

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